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Current Class Offerings

Private or Group Classes
In-person, virtual, and hybrid class options availablity

Don't see what you're looking for in current offererings below?
Contact me for a private consult we will craft a class to meet your needs. 

Prenatal Yoga Circle

Current Offerings:

Next 6 week circle series begins November 5th 
Tuesdays 5-7:00pm

In-person @ Modesto Natural Birth Place

Come together each week in this sacred space for a deep connection
within, to baby, and your s
acred circle sisters.

Focusing on preparing your
 body, mind, and intuition for a more intentional
pregnancy, childbirth, and mothering experience.

6 week series

Spaces are very limited. Sign up below to book your spot!

Childbirth Hypnosis Class

6 Week Class

​Hypnobabies ® Childbirth Hypnosis Class is a 6-week complete childbirth preparation class that teaches powerful self-hypnosis techniques for achieving an easier and more comfortable birth. Students who benefit most from the Hypnobabies® program are those who desire to birth without pain medication and who are committed to daily practice of their self-hypnosis skills from the onset of class until their baby arrives.

Registration for Hypnobabies®

requires first contacting the instructor, Kim Stalians 916-897-7855,

to discuss the specialized curriculum.*

$500 includes materials

Seating limited to 6 couples.
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